Sidewalk Intern Program

Our #ProLifeGeneration Curbside Life-Savers

The Sidewalk Intern Program maintains a pro-life presence on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood every day they are open. 

Interns are trained through Sidewalk Advocates for Life ( These dedicated young adults offer gift bags to the clients they encounter in the parking lot. The bags contain personal care items and brochures on where to find low- or at-no-cost health care services across San Antonio -- as well as a coupon for a FREE ultrasound and FREE pregnancy-test! 

Interns engage clients in a conversation of hope to turn the client away from Planned Parenthood and guide them to other life-affirming locations for help. 

Since the Internship began, 7,700 gift bags have be given, over 300 girls referred to A Woman’s Haven and other pregnancy care centers, and over 280 girls and guys have recevied other healthcare options at various life-affirming centers and clinics in San Antonio. 



📄 Find out what you'll do as a Sidewalk Intern

Contact Our Sidewalk Coordinator for more details.



Click the [DONATE] button and select  the [Sidewalk Intern Program] designation.

The Inaugural Intern Team

Interns And Me At Closing Rally 2021 Spring
Crazy Pose


Fr. Abraham


Praise be to our Lord and Savior – I Trust in You . . .

Sam humbly submits the following reflections:

...Read more

The Black Cadillac


It’s funny (or maybe not) how Satan works. Susie and I trudged our way on a cold weekday to the sidewalk. What was in...Read more

Once a Mom, Always a Mom


Getting yelled at on the sidewalk has motivated me to put myself in the shoes of the yellers and really meditate on the circumstances...Read more

Create a Safe Place for a Changed Mind


It can be very easy, especially now-a-days, to immediately get defensive when somebody thinks differently than you. Sometimes the words somebody says do not...Read more

Ongoing Adventures of Susie and Sam

Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Good morning! God is good!! Mother Mary, pray for us!

What a joy for Susie and I to arrive at the sidewalk this...Read more

Susie and Sam: Sidewalk Advocates


The Adventures of Susie and Sam: Sidewalk Advocates for Life

First Day in our new time slot as Sidewalk Advocates; Wednesday’s...Read more

"You did the best you could. The rest is in God's hands."


A recent story of a heart saved and a life spared by Cathy.

It was a busy family morning when I dropped off...Read more

A Pro-Life New Year


I have a confession to make. I have been working actively in the pro life movement for over a decade now and sometimes I...Read more

"I couldn't do it! I love my Jesus!"


"All good giving and every perfect gift is from above." James 1:17

Saturday was our day at 104 Babcock for our church in...Read more

“A fetus isn’t a person until viability.”


A) Viability is an arbitrary concept. Why not associate personhood with heartbeat, brain waves, or something else?

B) The point of viability constantly...Read more

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