40 Days for Life

Our 365 & SPRING 2025* Calendars are up and running!

Create a 40 Days for Life Account and sign up for an hour of prayer on the sidewalk!

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*2025 SPRING Campaign Dates: MARCH 5 - APRIL 13

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40 Days for Life CAMPAIGNS


    • Fall

    • Spring 


    • 365


The San Antonio Coalition for Life has coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns since 2007. Our 2024 40 Days for Life 365 Campaign resulted in 13 mothers choosing life for their babies! 


WORLDWIDE  Efforts have mobilized people across ALL 50 States and 7 Continents (within such countries and territories as Canada, Australia, England, South Africa, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Argentina, Armenia, Belize, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Puerto Rico, India, and Spain).


During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:

  • 12,358 local campaigns have taken place In OVER 1,000 Cities in 64 Nations
  • More than 1,000,000 volunteers 
  • More than 20,000 churches 
  • 25,351 lives saved from abortion — that we know about
  • 268 abortion workers have quit 
  • 159 abortion facilities completely shut down 
  • Hundreds of women and men spared from the tragic effects of abortion and lifelong regret
  • Thousands of people with past abortion experiences have also stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery
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Prayer and Fasting

Fasting is not a Christian diet; it is a form of physical prayer. You can fast from food, TV, alcohol ... anything that separates you from God.

Christ told us some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. The two go hand in hand. Prayer keeps us rooted in the fact that it is our desire to carry out God's will. Fasting is a sacrifice that helps us reach beyond our own limitations with God's help. 

Vale And Friends

Peaceful Vigil

The most impactful component of 40DFL365 is the constant prayer vigil outside a place where children are aborted. It is the hope that the vigil can be maintained 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here in San Antonio we do 12 hours per day, six days a week.

40 Days for Life is a prayerful witness to the clinic's patients, employees, and the entire community, that evil is in our midst and will be defeated with God's help.

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Reaching Out, Taking a Stand

The pro-life message is proactively taken to the community through focused, grassroots educational efforts year-round. 

Would you like a presentation made to your church or group about 40 Days for Life? Or just more information? Email us: [email protected]

đź’¬ Let's Talk About: 40 DAYS FOR LIFE

Testimonies are taken from interviews and speaking engagements since 40 Days for Life's beginnings in 2007

I hope and I pray deep in my heart that you will join us in this 40 days of prayer and fasting and help us overturn Roe v. Wade, because we didn't have a choice in the beginning with the Supreme Court justices - they decided it for us.

Norma McCorvey

Since my appointment as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, I have been involved with 40 Days for Life and other pro-life activities sponsored by the San Antonio Coalition for Life. I have found this organization to be highly focused on prayer and public witnessing, as they denounce the atrocities of abortion. It is not politically motivated, but tremendously pro-active in nature. Since it is ecumenical, it reaches far and wide into the greater community of San Antonio and beyond.

Bishop Gary Janak

Pastors for Life believe in the spiritual strategy of prayer at the very doors of the abortion centers. Therefore, we wholeheartedly support the national 40 Days for Life! It's the desire of this campaign to seek God's favor with humility and contriteness of heart. Victory will come, not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. That's why it is important to go to the abortion facilities and pray! The success of this campaign is based upon our faithfulness in obedience to God’s command.

Dr. Sonny Foraker

The fruits of the 40 Days for Life prayer movement are simply invaluable to our cause. Every child saved, abortion-minded mother changed and abortion industry employee converted becomes a shining witness to Life, another foot soldier working to build a Culture of Life in our nation.

Marjorie Dannenfelser

Without a doubt, you can be a part of a movement in your locale that will negatively impact the kingdom of darkness as it fuels the abortion holocaust. During the 40 Days for Life in my community, I witnessed an increase in the unity of the Body of Christ, a decrease in abortions and also an increase in volunteers working in various pro-life venues in our community. Come fast and pray with members of your community and join this global effort.

Noreen Johnson, M.D.

I am a huge supporter of 40 Days for Life. This campaign is exactly what the pro-life movement has been waiting for. 40 Days for Life will prepare pro-life activists across the country to end abortion in our lifetimes. The end is near for legalized abortion on demand, and 40 Days for Life is leading the charge.

Kristan Hawkins

It can happen again. By the grace of God and the perseverance of God’s people in prayer, change can happen again. We look back with clarity on the days of slavery. Nationwide change has happened before. With Wilberforce in England and Lincoln in America. It can happen again. Get involved.

Dan Allen

40 Days for Life is also a time of anticipation of a day when God’s will be done, when this nation will restore the most fundamental right we have as human persons, that of life. For without life, “liberty and the pursuit of happiness” have no meaning…I thank you my brothers and sister in Christ for the light and life that you bring to the streets of San Antonio. Your faith illuminates the way to a tomorrow in which this nation will once again be a beacon of hope, renewed by its respect for each human person.”

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller

The powerful magnifying glass of 40 Days for Life focuses a searing light on abortion. Fasting and praying with 40 Days for Life unifies pro-life energies and illuminates us with grace in our efforts to conquer the culture of death. I strongly encourage every person and organization that believes in the dignity of life to join the 40 Days for Life campaign to end abortion, restore families, and renew communities for life.

Peggy Hartshorn, Ph.D.

The work of 40 Days for Life has been a miracle - a spiritual manifestation of God's grace towards this country... It's about releasing the good will that's there in the hearts of Americans who honor God and letting that become a blessing to our country.

Alan Keyes, Ph. D

40 Days for Life is the most fruitful pro-life work that I am aware of today. The peaceful, prayerful witness of joyful pro-lifers outside of abortion clinics has a life or death impact on a daily basis. Whenever anyone asks me what they can do to make a tangible difference in building a culture of life, I tell them about 40 Days for Life.

Jeanne Monahan

The benefits of participating in the 40 Days for Life Campaign are numerous. But the Abortion Recovery International Network chose to get involved, because the Campaign believed in leading wounded women, men and family members into effective healing programs. ARIN is honored to be joining forces with the Campaign, to offer our abortion recovery efforts and affiliate services. We look forward to the incredible opportunity that lies ahead in sharing the forgiveness and mercy of our Heavenly Father with those wounded by abortion.

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Stacy Massey

40 Days for Life is a life-changing experience, an exercise in sacrifice for the needs of others, an appeal to your heart to love the innocent, defend the helpless and embrace the needy. Babies waiting to be born are all these things as are their mothers. Expectant moms need more than lip service, and 40 Days for Life has given those gifts on the streets of this nation and in the homes of loving Americans.

Judie Brown

[Abortion is] a human tragedy of unprecedented proportion, and that’s where you guys come in, where God has raised up the single largest pro-life, grassroots organization ever, and that’s the 40 Days for Life, and you guys are part of it. ...When you’re out there with your feet on the ground, you’re connected with those several hundred more campaigns. ... [40 Days for Life has been] inclusive in other Christian faiths and denominations in a way that we’ve got to recognize. We can’t allow the enemy to use the old tactics of divide and conquer among us. We have one person who saved us all, and we’ve got one enemy, and we will not be divided or conquered.

Dr. Haywood Robinson

I invite you to once again join our brothers and sisters all around the world in building the culture of life—right here, right now. Take part in this 40 Days by praying and fasting, keeping a prayerful vigil outside of an abortion facility, and doing community outreach to spread the pro-life message. Get involved in your local efforts by visiting 40daysforlife.com. Remember that “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” In these next 40 days, do something for life. You may never know all of the good effects your efforts for the cause of life in the next 40 days may make, or you may be blessed enough to one day hold a bright-eyed, pudgy, giggly baby who owes her life to your prayerful witness.

Arina Grossu

40 Days for Life is a testimony to the power of prayer and what can happen when we're consumed by a magnificent obsession, namely that life is sacred. If you're growing weary over the increasing level of disrespect of the most innocent among us, I would urge you to remember that situations are not always as they appear. God is on the move even amidst the darkness.

Jim Daly

Hear About 40 Days for Life on AIR!


Talking about 40 Days for Life on MINISTRY MATTERS

with Pastor Randy Garcia of Three:16 Church

(Sept 2023)

"What's 40 Days for Life?" a GRN Interview

#ThrowbackThursday 40DFL Spring Campaign 2022

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