Sidewalk Intern Program

Our #ProLifeGeneration Curbside Life-Savers

The Sidewalk Intern Program maintains a pro-life presence on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood every day they are open. 

Interns are trained through Sidewalk Advocates for Life ( These dedicated young adults offer gift bags to the clients they encounter in the parking lot. The bags contain personal care items and brochures on where to find low- or at-no-cost health care services across San Antonio -- as well as a coupon for a FREE ultrasound and FREE pregnancy-test! 

Interns engage clients in a conversation of hope to turn the client away from Planned Parenthood and guide them to other life-affirming locations for help. 

Since the Internship began, 7,700 gift bags have be given, over 300 girls referred to A Woman’s Haven and other pregnancy care centers, and over 280 girls and guys have recevied other healthcare options at various life-affirming centers and clinics in San Antonio. 



📄 Find out what you'll do as a Sidewalk Intern

Contact Our Sidewalk Coordinator for more details.



Click the [DONATE] button and select  the [Sidewalk Intern Program] designation.

Meet Our Intern!




The Inaugural Intern Team

Interns And Me At Closing Rally 2021 Spring
Crazy Pose


"She really didn't want to get out of the car."


Names have been changed for privacy.

Kathy shares:

"Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know...Read more

February 21: A Life Saved


It was about 1:30 this afternoon and I just walked from down the street to the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood from buying...Read more

"It is uncertain when human life begins."


It is uncertain when human life begins; that’s a religious question that cannot be answered by science.

An article printed and distributed by...Read more

"It would be unfair to restrict a woman's choice by prohibiting abortion."


Every person has the right to choose. It would be unfair to restrict a woman's choice by prohibiting abortion.

Any civilized society restricts...Read more

The Blessing of a Belated Hug


An amazing thing happened this Saturday while praying at Planned Parenthood. It was after 12:30pm and a sparse number of prayer warriors were on...Read more

“What about Abortion for Serious or Fatal Birth Defects?”


“A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members.” ― John Paul II. 1

Try to...Read more

Shouldn't women be able to control their own bodies?


The battle over abortion and birth control in the United States has been raging for nearly a century. A cartoon in the May 1919...Read more

“Shouldn't We Permit Abortion Only to Save the Life of the Mother?"


Abortion is completely legal in more than one hundred nations. In almost every case, population controllers first drove in the ultra-thin wedge of an...Read more

Leave It All Out on the Sidewalk!


It strikes me how often the "heart" is mentioned in scripture. One of my favorite instances of this is when Paul prays for the...Read more

An Amazing Tuesday


I'm never free on Tuesdays but it just so happened that my son was doing an all-day summer camp and I had a free...Read more

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