Mission Statement

We strive to end abortion in San Antonio with the help of God and the support of the Greater San Antonio Christian Community.  We provide life affirming options to all those we encounter on the sidewalk in front of abortion facilities.  Through Sidewalk Advocates, we offer loving and truthful alternatives to those considering abortion, and we provide resources for healing and reconciliation for post-abortive mothers.  We stand peacefully and prayerfully as witnesses to the injustice of abortion in the public square.

Who We Are & What We Do

November 4, 2007: SACFL is officially formed. Hundreds of mothers will choose life for their babies*. Mothers in crisis will never go to their abortion appointment due to our Sidewalk Advocacy and never pull into the parking lot due to our Prayerful Presence

2009: SACFL catches Planned Parenthood of San Antonio (PPSA) 104 Babcock (original location) performing abortions without a license. PPSA receives thousands of dollars in fines and lost income.

April 2012: San Antonio Reproductive Services (one of the oldest abortion clinics) shuts down. Through God's mercy and power, the property is soon purchased and transformed into a Korean Bible Church. Praise God!

February 2020: SACFL initiates the Sidewalk Intern program – allowing young adults to be present on the sidewalk and offer life-affirming options and information to clients of Planned Parenthood of South Texas (PPSTX) and Alamo Women's Reproductive Services.

June 24, 2022: Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization decision is announced by the Supreme Court. PPSTX stops performing surgical and chemical abortions on location. 

July 2022: Alamo Women's Reproductive Services shuts down in San Antonio and relocates to New Mexico as Alamo Women’s Clinic. 

*Our numbers are determined by pregnancy care organizations – in gratitude for the referrals made by us to them. There are many stories we will never know.

Yes, we do!

  • 2023 Impact Report found HERE
  • 2022 Impact Report found HERE

A 40DFL Prayer Warrior is a volunteer who stands and prays in front of the PPSTX abortion referral center at 2140 Babcock Road in the Medical Center area. 

He or she signs up for a time (usually one hour) on a one-time, weekly, or monthly basis to come out to our San Antonio VIGIL location.

Prayer Warriors sign and submit their Statement of Peace form.  

He or she prays in whatever way is most comfortable to them: silently, in groups, or out loud. 

Signs are allowed and provided. HOWEVER, signs of hurtful and condemning speech or signs showing abortion victims are prohibited.

A trained* Sidewalk Advocate (volunteer or paid-intern) offers life-affirming options to the PPSTX clients they encounter. 

The Sidewalk Advocate calmly and peacefully offers information about alternatives to abortion such as:

  • low- or no-cost healthcare
  • parenting & infant support programs
  • adoption service providers
  • Pregnancy Resource Center locations and contacts

The Sidewalk Advocate also shares informational resources about

  • abortion pill reversal
  • the harmful effects of birth control
  • healing after abortion
  • STD testing/treatment
  • support for women in crisis

A Sidewalk Advocate can literally be an unborn baby's last chance of survival.

*SACFL provides Advocacy training through TWO programs: Sidewalk Advocates for Life and 40DFL Sidewalk Outreach. Discover the details behind each program at our Saving Lives at The Sidewalk/Sidewalk Advocacy page.

SACFL is a Respect Life, Pro-Life organization. We practice peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding methods in reaching the mother or father who are considering killing their child. 

SACFL follows the 40DFL Statement of Peace and SAFL Pledge of Integrity

SACFL Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Advocates 

  • are informed and reminded of the distinction between Public/Private Property and Boundaries
  • yield to pedestrians on the sidewalk
  • are required to follow all laws of San Antonio, Texas, and the United States of America

and so should not be arrested. 

Facility Management will and have called the Police to make complaints because those in the abortion industry know what SACFL does is effective in saving lives. 

If someone tries to prosecute, SACFL has legal aid through our affiliations.

SACFL is a peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding sidewalk ministry. SACFL should not be confused with abortion abolitionists or other progressive anti-abortion organizations who carry out “Rescues,” “Project Rescues,” “Red Rose Rescues,” or otherwise. 

SACFL Prayer Warriors and Sidewalk Advocates will not trespass, destroy, deface, or block private property, nor will they use inflammatory speech or images. 

Although SACFL acknowledges the sanctity and dignity of all human life as endowed by God the Creator, the sidewalk is a public space and shared with various pro-life and anti-abortion organizations. 

SACFL does not allow aggressive, legally risky outreach.

SACFL promotes voting Pro-Life. SACFL acknowledges that every human being – born and preborn – has a right to life and a privilege to be protected.  

SACFL does not participate in political campaigns, endorse politicians, or lobby at the local/state/national level. 

SACFL holds silent prayer vigils at our city’s, state’s, or country’s time of need. We attend other multi-organizational pro-life functions in support of the Pro-Life Movement and on behalf of the preborn and victims of abortion.

SACFL provides information on political and secular Pro-Life Organizations in Our Allies in Life page. 

DURING VOTING SEASON, links to various Voter Resources & Guides are shared on our social media and website. 

SACFL is a coalition of Christ-centered and Gospel-driven believers. 

SACFL is a cross-denominational organization of believers in the triune God who exists without end in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 

SACFL believes there is one church and one body of Christ, cooperating with God in carrying out His work. 

We all are called by God to obey the two greatest commandments: 

  1. Love Him above all things 
  2. Love our neighbor as ourselves

SACFL provides resources for various Christian denominations and non-denominations in Our Fellows in Christ for Life page.

SACFL is not part of any one Center in or outside of San Antonio. 

SACFL Sidewalk Advocates refer PPSTX clients to care and programs best suited to that client’s needs – in addition to urgency, availability, and proximity of care. 

SACFL neither charges nor receives payment for referring clients to any given center/program. 

SACFL refers to and informs the public of local and regional centers and programs in the spirit of Christ-like charity.

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