Our Allies in Life



Texas Alliance for Life is a nonprofit organization of people committed to protecting the fundamental right to life of all innocent human beings and to promoting respect for their value and dignity from the moment of conception until natural death. We, therefore, oppose the advocacy and practice of abortion (except to preserve the mother’s life), infanticide, euthanasia, and all forms of assisted suicide.

The San Antonio Family Association was formed in 2011 in response to the tax payer funding of the twisted play (portraying Christ as a homosexual) called “Corpus Christi” on city property and to the San Antonio City Council 2012 Budget approval which implemented “domestic partner” benefits for city employees, increased the tax payer funding of the arts and increase the tax payer funding of “unplanned” pregnancy services.

Their sister organization -- Texas Family Action -- advocates for local, state, and national candidates committed to defending and promoting the Family. TFA provides free voter resources such as Voter's Guides, Voting Calenders, and Sample Ballots.



Over Population Myth

Overpopulation is a Myth.com reveals how the myth of overpopulation has caused human rights abuses around the world, forced population control, denied medicines to the poor, and targeted attacks on ethnic minorities and women. "Arm yourself with the truth to refute the lie of overpopulation."


Pro-Life Partners Foundation exists to be the wind beneath the wings of the pro-life movement. Their mission is to end abortion and to advance a culture of life from conception to natural death.

Pro-Life Partners Foundation optimizes resources (such as APM) and proceeds strategically.  They also offer grants, matching funds, and endowments to empower the pro-life movement. They are from many one, under God, with liberty and justice for all at every stage.

Texas Right to Life legally, peacefully and prayerfully protects the God-given Right to Life of innocent human beings from fertilization to natural death -- seeking to articulate and protect the Right to Life of defenseless human beings, born and unborn, through legal, peaceful, and prayerful means.  Their commitment is derived from a belief that each human being, from the moment of fertilization until natural death, has an immeasurable dignity and inalienable Right to Life.

They fight for the rights of the unborn, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the unloved in a world where the lack of respect for innocent human life has escalated to the point where we are all at risk.


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Students For Life at UTSA is a non-sectarian and bipartisan pro-life group that promotes respect and dignity for every human person at every stage from the moment of fertilization to natural death regardless of size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. We aim to educate and equip our fellow roadrunners and the community through effective education, industry impact, public policy, rapid response, and supportive services. Every human is deserving of the most basic right—the right to life.

Justice Foundation

To protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society. The Justice Foundation represents clients free of charge in cases in the areas of limited government, free markets, private property, parental school choice, parental rights in education, and enforcing laws to protect women’s health.

Alliance Defending Freedom

Alliance Defending Freedom is a servant ministry building an alliance to keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel by transforming the legal system and advocating for religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family.

Texas Coalition For Life

The Central Texas Coalition for Life is a grassroots community-based organization that seeks to end abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach & education, and peaceful prayer vigils on the public right-of-ways in front of abortion facilities in Austin, Texas. 

They network with numerous pregnancy centers, community healthcare clinics, medical professionals and other resources to help women and their families find real, life-affirming alternatives to abortion.  They connect women and men with abortions in their past to post-abortion programs to find hope and healing. 



Justice For All

Justice For All trains thousands to make abortion unthinkable for millions, one person at a time. Justice For All promotes respect for people with differing views and condemns all abortion-related violence.


Charlotte Lozier Institute is the non-profit research and education institute of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. The institute advises and leads the pro-life movement with groundbreaking scientific, statistical, and medical research. We leverage this research to educate policymakers, the media, and the public on the value of life from fertilization to natural death.

Their work is built on the contributions of staff and our network of over 70 Associate Scholars, who are credentialed experts in medicine, statistical analysis, sociology, science, bioethics, public health, law, and social services for women and families.

SOUTHWEST COALITION, INCORPORATED is working to restore reverence for the sanctity of life and natural womanhood across the Southwest through a regional and entrepreneurial coalition of nonprofit enterprises in line with Catholic and Biblical teaching.

Black Prolife Coalition

The National Black Prolife Coalition promotes traditional family values, from a Biblical worldview, to produce strong and healthy families where babies are safe and able to reach their full potential in life. Through education and awareness media campaigns, community events, political action, lobbying and coalition building of prolife and pro-family advocacy groups, we will restore Life, Family and Hope in the black community.


Since theire very first case, NOW v. Scheidler, The Thomas More Society has steadfastly supported our nation’s pro-life champions. They have fought against coercion and intimidation—all the way to the Supreme Court—and have emerged victorious. As a leading pro-life law firm, they have established the groundwork for us to speak against the grave injustice of abortion wherever it occurs. If our right to advocate for our beliefs is ever violated, they are the foremost and most reliable resource to call upon.

Additionally, the Thomas More Society has successfully represented clients who object to providing abortion-related medical coverage because of their religious convictions, as well as those who oppose the unlawful use of taxpayer funds for abortion.

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