February 21: A Life Saved

Intern Chronicles Cropped

It was about 1:30 this afternoon and I just walked from down the street to the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood from buying my lunch. Finding myself discouraged by a nearly full parking lot on the day I knew the young mothers were receiving their state required pre-abortion sonogram and upset about the lies they were receiving remembering the video I just watched (see video here), I set my lunch down to join the other prayer warriors and sidewalk counselors to fast and pray just a bit longer.  

I picked up our "Pregnant? Need help?" sign to pray as another counselor was talking to a young lady about her friend who was there for a sonogram. While Cathy was talking to her I was facing the street with the sign when Cathy called my name. I turned around to a young couple who was walking our way and gave them my line:

Hello, my name is Matt, can I give you some free information? We have free pregnancy tests and free sonograms.

As soon as I finished they were right in front of me and I could tell the girl was almost in tears. She said that she was there for a sonogram and needed one today. I immediately got on the phone to schedule the sonogram. When I got off the phone the young lady was in tears. She heard the counseling Cathy was doing next to us and felt convicted. I told her "I don't like seeing those tears...let's come over here and talk."

I asked her why she came to Planned Parenthood today and she said wiping her tears in a tense stance, "to get a sonogram for an abortion...but I'm not going to do it." I asked her what made her change her mind. As her boyfriend was rubbing her back with support she said, "we already have two kids and I just can't do it."

After reassuring her about the support we can provide, her boyfriend said "see!" and her tense body completely relaxed and I saw her first smile.  

He asked about child care and I assured them that we could help with that. She mentioned that she was on the birth control pill so I gave her some information about the harmful side effects of the pill and how it can dramatically increase cancer and infertility just to start. We also talked about fertility awareness as an alternative to the pill that is much more safe and effective.

Her sonogram was scheduled for 4:30pm today. Please pray for "A" and her boyfriend "S" and their two born children and their unborn 8-week-old child.

To God be the praise and the glory!

It isn't that I said or did anything special. I'm no smarter and certainly no better looking than the next guy. It just takes humility and a bunch of trust in Jesus.

Let us continue to pray and fast for the unborn, their mothers and fathers, those that pass by and for the conversion of those that work in the abortion industry so that one day we can hear the great words from our Lord as the master said to his servant, "well done my good and faithful servant."

We want to hear your stories! Please email them to us or take pictures and share stories via twitter with the hashtag 40dfl2013. No matter how seemingly insignificant the story may be we want to hear it!

Defending life until the end of mine,

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