An Amazing Tuesday

Intern Chronicles Cropped

I'm never free on Tuesdays but it just so happened that my son was doing an all-day summer camp and I had a free day.  I heard that they were doing ultrasounds at Planned Parenthood today so I made it a point to go out to the sidewalk.

Already in the facility was a couple with two children who were waiting in the front area.  The husband came out, and I offered information for those who were there for ultrasounds.  He came over to talk to me - which I always feel is a miracle in itself.  I told him about the stages of the baby's development and how it was just as much their child as the ones sitting in the lobby.  He agreed with me, but he said that she didn't want it - she wanted to "drop it.” I helped him understand that he was not powerless - in fact he had every right and duty to tell her that he loves her and that it will be okay to have another child.  She was just scared and needed his assurance that he was supporting her and would take care of her.  He took all the materials and went back in to the clinic. When they came out the whole family was smiling, and I asked if they were going to keep their baby. The woman looked over at me and nodded yes. The man was beaming, and even the little kids were looking so happy!  Her name starts with “H”, please pray for her.

Later, an orange car pulled up with a family - a man, woman, and their three kids. He informed me that they were there for an ultrasound and that she was considering abortion.  When I looked over at her I noticed she took such care covering her little ones from the rain - which by this time was lightly coming down.  I remarked how much love she had for her little ones - how she would give up her life for them. I could tell in her eyes that she really heard what I said.  I told them about the center 1/2 block away and the ability to get a free ultrasound.  He took the info, and he said they would think about it.  I told him that as the protector of their family, he needed to protect that littlest one.  That seemed to resonate with him.  And then they went in.

When they came out I asked if they had made any decisions.  They said they were still thinking about it.  I told them I was praying for them, and they got in the car. When I looked down the street I noticed the orange car making a u-turn and going towards the pregnancy center down the street. I couldn't be sure, but I thought they were going in to see all of their options at the center.

When I left the sidewalk for the day I went to a local church where I knelt and cried in thanksgiving.  A friend from the pregnancy center on Babcock called me while I was there and told me that the couple from the orange car had indeed come in and decided to carry their baby to term.  They had an appointment for an ultrasound next week. After I left the church I went home and hugged my husband.  I have never, ever had a day like this in my life. 

Many go to the sidewalk all the time- I go almost every week.  We pray, and we counsel and we hope.  And then every once in a while, God rewards us with letting us witness His saving power.  What a gift to be a part of such incredible conversion.  Believe me; I've said the same things before with absolutely no effect.  Well, no noticeable effect.  I guess we have to wait for heaven to know the real spiritual results. Glory to God alone!

Can you make it out this Saturday when they will be having abortions? Maybe you can be that difference.

This story was submitted by Cathy, a trained sidewalk counselor and counselor trainer for SACFL.

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